.. _admin_kolab-activesync-settings: =========================================== Kolab ActiveSync Service Settings Reference =========================================== The web service is based on Roundcube Framework and because of that it uses the same configuration file as the webmail application i.e. ``/etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php``. Basic Configuration =================== ``activesync_debug`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enables ActiveSync protocol debuging. This will store the complete communication between server and activesync client into ``logs/console`` file. Default is ``false``. ``activesync_user_log`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enables logging to a separate directory for every user/device. Default is ``false``. ``activesync_user_debug`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enables per-user debugging only if /var/log/kolab-syncroton// folder exists. Default is ``false``. ``activesync_log_file`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If specified all ActiveSync-related logs will be saved to this file. Default is ``null``. Note: This doesn't change Roundcube Framework log locations. ``activesync_addressbooks`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A list of global addressbooks (GAL). Default is ``array()``. Note: If empty ``autocomplete_addressbooks`` setting will be used. ``activesync_gal_fieldmap`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ActiveSync to Roundcube contact fields map for GAL search. Default: .. code-block:: php array( 'alias' => 'nickname', 'company' => 'organization', 'displayName' => 'name', 'emailAddress' => 'email', 'firstName' => 'firstname', 'lastName' => 'surname', 'mobilePhone' => 'phone.mobile', 'office' => 'office', 'picture' => 'photo', 'phone' => 'phone', 'title' => 'jobtitle', ); ``activesync_gal_sync`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ List of device types that will sync the LDAP addressbook(s) as a normal folder. For devices that do not support GAL searching, e.g. Outlook. Default is ``false``. Example: ``array('windowsoutlook')`` # enable for Oultook only Example: ``true`` # enable for all Note: To make the LDAP addressbook sources working we need two additional fields ('uid' and 'changed') specified in the fieldmap array of the LDAP configuration ('ldap_public' option). For example: .. code-block:: php 'uid' => 'nsuniqueid', 'changed' => 'modifytimestamp', ``activesync_plugins`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ List of Roundcube plugins available for ActiveSync service. WARNING: Not all plugins used in Roundcube can be listed here. Use the default! ``activesync_init_subscriptions`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a device is reqistered (connects for the first time), by default a set of folders is subscribed for syncronization, i.e. INBOX and personal folders with defined folder type: mail.drafts, mail.wastebasket, mail.sentitems, mail.outbox, event, event.default, contact, contact.default, task, task.default. This default set can be extended by adding following values: ``1`` - all subscribed folders in personal namespace ``2`` - all folders in personal namespace ``4`` - all subscribed folders in other users namespace ``8`` - all folders in other users namespace ``16`` - all subscribed folders in shared namespace ``32`` - all folders in shared namespace ``activesync_multifolder_blacklist`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines a blacklist of devices (device type strings) that do not support folder hierarchies. When set to an array folder hierarchies are used on all devices not listed here. When set to ``null`` an old whitelist approach will be used where we do opposite action and enable folder hierarchies only on device types known to support it. Note: To enable multi-folder for all devices set it to ``array()``. ``activesync_multifolder_blacklist_*`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Blacklist overwrites for specified object type. If set to an array it will have a precedence over ``activesync_multifolder_blacklist`` list only for that type. Note: Outlook does not support multiple folders for contacts, in that case use ``$config['activesync_multifolder_blacklist_contact'] = array('windowsoutlook');``. Supported types: mail, event, contact, note, task. ``activesync_fix_from`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enables adding sender name in the From: header of an email sent via ActiveSync when a device uses email address only (e.g. iOS devices). Default is ``false``. Performance Related Configuration ================================= ``activesync_cache'`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A type of ActiveSync cache. Supported values: ``'db'``, ``'apc'`` and ``'memcache'``. Default is ``'db'``. Note: This cache is only for some additional data like timezones mapping. ``activesync_cache_ttl`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A lifetime of ActiveSync cache entries. Possible units: s, m, h, d, w. Default is ``'1d'``. ``activesync_auth_cache`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A type of ActiveSync authentication cache. Supported values: ``'db'``, ``'apc'`` and ``'memcache'``. Default is ``'db'``. Note: This is only for username canonification. ``activesync_auth_cache_ttl`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A lifetime of ActiveSync authentication cache. Possible units: s, m, h, d, w. Default is ``'1d'``. ``activesync_gal_cache`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Global Address List cache. As reading all contacts from LDAP may be slow, caching is recommended. Supported values: ``'db'``, ``'apc'`` and ``'memcache'``. Default is ``'db'``. ``activesync_gal_cache_ttl`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TTL of GAL cache entries. Technically this causes that synchronized contacts will not be updated (queried) often than the specified interval. Default is ``'1d'``. ``activesync_ping_timeout`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines for how many seconds we'll sleep between every action for detecting changes in folders. Default is ``60``. ``activesync_ping_interval`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines maximum Ping interval in seconds. Default is ``900`` (15 minutes). ``activesync_quiet_time`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We start detecting changes n seconds since the last sync of a folder. Default is ``180``.