====================== Environment Management ====================== The ability to manage one or more complete environments depends on at least one but more likely multiple of the following capabilities of the infrastructure as a whole, and IT processes associated with them; * :ref:`arch-system-life-cycle-management` * Inventory * Configuration Management * Standard Operating Procedure Control * Monitoring * Trending * :ref:`arch-log-centralization-analysis-and-storage` Industry-Standard Components for Environment Management ======================================================= Environments of a distributed nature will have found that determining the cause of a system or service failure, the analysis of an application's behaviour, and general monitoring of the environment's health is a critical element in reducing the effort spent in collecting and analyzing the information necessary to keep systems and services running, maintain audit trails and/or answer (support) questions on system and service performance. .. _arch-system-life-cycle-management: System Life-Cycle Management ============================ Not unlike many other life-cycles, an individual system's life-cycle can be divided in to three main stages of *birth*, *life* and *death*. If you want or need to, you may include an additional stage of *retirement*, in which the system cannot yet be purged in full, and needs to stay around for a little while longer, but not participate. The distinction between these stages of life can be construed as follows: **Birth** The node's container is provided, the operating system is installed, and the node is rebooted in to its newly provisioned operating system. Next, *life* begins. This stage corresponds with the provisioning of a system. It is best practice to keep the provisioning stage to a minimal level, and only perform just enough tasks to allow the node to come back up after its operating system installation reboot with enough capacity to start *life*. Some such configuration may include networking configuration, for example, and perhaps also additional disk configuration. **Life** During a system's life, it will need to be installed some software onto, which will need to be configured, of which the configuration may change during its lifetime. Software may be updated, and operational changes (of a temporary nature) may need to be applied. This stage corresponds with two separate yet interconnected operations: #. Run-time Configuration Management #. Execution of Standard Operating Procedures **Death** Albeit the terminology being mostly self-explanatory, the death of a system includes replacement of the operating system (for it then becomes a different node in the same container) and the obsoletion of a node (by a "better" node). .. _arch-log-centralization-analysis-and-storage: Log Centralization, Analysis & Storage ====================================== This section outlines the functional components for an industry-standard infrastructure with common components used for log centralization, analysis and storage, providing environments with the capability to cope with many dozens of millions of relevant log messages daily. **Without** the ability to centralize, analyze and store log messages and event notifications, the following scenarios are but a few examples of common, every day occurrences; * **A message's delivery is delayed**; #. A question about the message's delay is raised and logged through the appropriate channels. #. A system administrator with an appropriate level of authorization to do so is assigned the task of discovery. #. The system administrator iterates over all systems, using ``grep`` on ``/var/log/maillog`` to find all log lines mentioning the sender or intended recipient(s). #. This results in a large number of so-called Queue IDs, one of which is associated with the original message in question (the delayed one). #. Each Queue ID is associated with a number of other Queue IDs when; * The message is delivered remotely, * The message passes Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus and is re-inserted in to the MTA, * The message is finally delivered. #. For each of the original Queue IDs, the system administrator searches for log messages also mentioning the Queue ID. #. For each set of log messages related to each Queue ID, the system administrator determines whether the log messages are in fact about the original message in question. #. The delay is determined to exist or have existed, and the original question can be answered, however likely not resolved. #. The system administrator is prompted to address the cause of the delay. * **A user says never to have received a particular message**; * Steps #1, #2, #4 through #8 of the aforementioned process are repeated, with step #3 being substituted for the following: #. Because the nature of this question is one likely to occur later in time (i.e. far past the original events in question) rather than sooner, the local systems' log file retention policy may have already rotated, rotated and compressed, or even rotated, compressed and subsequently purged the relevant log file off of the local filesystem. It must therefore first be determined *when* the original message was sent, *when* it should have been received -- standard settings put this period on 5 times 24 hours --, and subsequently *where* the relevant log messages might still be available (ranging from local filesystem to off- site tape). #. In addition to the logs about MSA, MTA and MDA delivery statuses, the message may in fact have been; * received, read, deleted and purged from one's mailbox. * filtered in to a folder the user has forgotten to; * subscribe to, * read messages from. These situations require means that are beyond the capabilities of simple log centralization and analysis, however. * **Log messages go unnoticed** Bearing in mind there's dozens of millions of log messages, finding the errors, alerts and notices among them is a task you would rather see automated. Error log messages, alerts, and notices will likely go unnoticed unless they are actively aggregated, analyzed and used as triggers for follow-up. Open Source log analysis technology allow for the storing in to multiple storage systems, and add triggering certain actions such as pager duty / Nagios / email / etc. Log Centralization at Minimum ----------------------------- Required functional components for the minimal functionality in log centralization are as follows (pre-existing components grayed): .. graphviz:: digraph architecture { rankdir = LR; splines = true; overlab = prism; edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; node [shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; "Log Source(s)" [color=gray50,style=filled]; "Log Source(s)" -> "Central Log Server"; } This allows an environment to; * No longer depend on the individual system's local disk space for the retention of log messages, of which disk space consumed can grow beyond a reasonable size to be allocated to an individual system, and must be considered more appropriately spent on the runtime data for applications and services, * No longer require the continued availability of the individual system -- with its local disk space -- for the purpose of log message retention, while the system may corrupt or be discarded, * Perform manual analysis across the number of systems spent on centralization rather than the number of individual log sources. Log Centralization with Analysis -------------------------------- The environment's capabilities yet still insufficient, however, for no analysis is possible on the current *flat file* structure of the log messages written to disk. No two messages can be correlated, not automatically, and no oversight view can be created. Introducing analysis in to the log infrastructure causes the former diagram to be extended as such (gray items already existed): .. graphviz:: digraph architecture { rankdir = LR; splines = true; overlab = prism; edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; node [shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; "Log Source(s)" [color=gray50,style=filled]; "Central Log Server" [color=gray50,style=filled]; "Log Source(s)" -> "Central Log Server" -> "Log Analysis" -> "Log Storage"; } Under these circumstances, the features offered by the centralized logging system now include, in addition to the former; * Log analysis to allow system administrators to query for correlated log messages. However, the log messages can no longer be stored in to the same *flat file* storage as these effectively do not allow querying. Log Centralization, Analysis & Storage with Redundancy ------------------------------------------------------ The aforementioned diagrams are simplified overviews of functional components however, and it is crucial to appreciate; * The use of TCP to transmit syslog messages on to a centralized syslog server is lossless compared to the use of UDP, but manipulates message payload to fit TCP datagram sizes, potentially rendering syslog unavailable should the TCP connection not be established and responsive, potentially locking up the system/service issuing log messages. * The use of the UDP protocol ensures fast dismissal of individual log messages, but the receiving end MUST be available and responsive for the message is otherwise lost. * Not all log messages (of an application) are suitable for inclusion in a syslog stream, such as those that implement the `LEMONADE`_ architecture for groupware environments. * Avoidance of congestion is crucial to maintain the ability to continuously correlate log messages and event notifications, and maintain accurate statistics. A practical implementation of an environment therefore features; * Redundant paths for individual log messages, * (optionally) load-balanced recipients of log messages, * Sufficient capacity and sufficient scalability for real-time and near real-time analysis of larger environments with greater volumes of traffic. And would look like the following diagram; .. graphviz:: digraph architecture { rankdir = LR; splines = true; overlab = prism; edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; node [shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; "Log Source - Central Log Server" [shape=point,color=gray50]; "Log Source #1", "Log Source #2" -> "Log Source - Central Log Server" [dir=none]; "Central Log Server - Log Source" [shape=point,color=gray50]; "Central Log Server - Log Analysis" [shape=point,color=gray50]; "Central Log Server - Log Source" -> "Central Log Server #1", "Central Log Server #2"; "Central Log Server #1", "Central Log Server #2" -> "Central Log Server - Log Analysis" [dir=none]; "Log Analysis - Central Log Server" [shape=point,color=gray50]; "Log Analysis - Log Storage" [shape=point,color=gray50]; "Log Analysis - Central Log Server" -> "Log Analysis #1", "Log Analysis #2"; "Log Analysis #1", "Log Analysis #2" -> "Log Analysis - Log Storage"; "Log Storage - Log Analysis" [shape=point,color=gray50]; "Log Storage - Log Analysis" -> "Log Storage #1", "Log Storage #2"; "Log Source - Central Log Server" -> "Central Log Server - Log Source" [dir=none]; "Central Log Server - Log Analysis" -> "Log Analysis - Central Log Server" [dir=none]; "Log Analysis - Log Storage" -> "Log Storage - Log Analysis" [dir=none]; } .. _LEMONADE: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5442