.. _installation-guide-centos-7-enterprise-16: ==================================== Installation of Kolab 16 on CentOS 7 ==================================== The installation of Kolab Groupware on Red Hat Enterprise Linux installs a number of additional packages, from the :term:`EPEL` software repository, and the repositories for the Kolab Enterprise edition, provided by `Kolab Systems AG`_. Installation Procedure ====================== 1. Copy the client SSL certificate and key you have obtained from `Kolab Systems AG`_ as per the instructions listed on [#]_, summarized here for your convenience: #. Remove the passphrase from the SSL certificate key: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`openssl rsa -in /path/to/private.key \\ -out /path/to/private.key.nopass` #. Concatenate the certificate file and the new key file without passphrase: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`cat /path/to/public.crt /path/to/private.key.nopass \\ > /path/to/mirror.kolabsys.com.client.pem` #. Place the file :file:`mirror.kolabsys.com.ca.cert` in :file:`/etc/pki/tls/certs/`. #. Place the file :file:`mirror.kolabsys.client.pem` in :file:`/etc/pki/tls/private/`, and correct the permissions: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`chown root:root /etc/pki/tls/private/mirror.kolabsys.com.client.pem` # :command:`chmod 640 /etc/pki/tls/private/mirror.kolabsys.com.client.pem` 2. Install the :term:`EPEL` repository" .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm` 3. Import this signature in to the RPM database: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`rpm --import https://ssl.kolabsys.com/maipo.asc` 4. Install the Kolab Enterprise repository configuration package: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`yum install https://ssl.kolabsys.com/kolab-16-for-el7.rpm` 5. Install Kolab Enterprise: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`yum install kolab` 6. Do not forget to also execute :command:`yum update`. Continue to :ref:`installation-guide-setup-kolab`. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] https://support.kolabsys.com/Obtaining,_Renewing_and_Using_a_Client_SSL_Certificate#Using_a_Customer_or_Partner_Client_SSL_Certificate.