setup-kolab Command-Line Reference¶
The setup-kolab command allows each component it configures for you, to be configured separately from the others. To view the list of components setup-kolab, execute setup-kolab help.
# setup-kolab help freebusy - Setup Free/Busy. help - Display this help. imap - Setup IMAP. kolabd - Setup the Kolab daemon. ldap - Setup LDAP. mta - Setup MTA. mysql - Setup MySQL. php - Setup PHP. roundcube - Setup Roundcube. syncroton - Setup Syncroton.
[root@kolab ~]# setup-kolab –help Usage: setup-kolab [options]
- Options:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- Runtime Options:
Configuration file to use
Set the debugging verbosity. Maximum is 9, tracing protocols like LDAP, SQL and IMAP.
Set the logging level. One of info, warn, error, critical or debug
- --logfile=LOGFILE
Log file to use
- -q, --quiet
Be quiet.
- -y, --yes
Answer yes to all questions.
- LDAP Options:
- --fqdn=FQDN
Specify FQDN (overriding defaults).
- --allow-anonymous
Allow anonymous binds (default: no).
- --without-ldap
Skip setting up the LDAP server.
- --with-openldap
Setup configuration for OpenLDAP compatibility.
- --with-ad
Setup configuration for Active Directory compatibility.
- PHP Options:
- --timezone=TIMEZONE
Specify the timezone for PHP.
- --with-php-ini=PHP_INI_PATH
Specify the path to the php.ini file used with the webserver.
PyKolab is a Kolab Systems product. For more information about Kolab or PyKolab, visit