Kolab ActiveSync Service Settings Reference

The web service is based on Roundcube Framework and because of that it uses the same configuration file as the webmail application i.e. /etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php.

Basic Configuration


Enables ActiveSync protocol debuging. This will store the complete communication between server and activesync client into logs/console file. Default is false.


Enables logging to a separate directory for every user/device. Default is false.


Enables per-user debugging only if /var/log/kolab-syncroton/<username>/ folder exists. Default is false.


If specified all ActiveSync-related logs will be saved to this file. Default is null. Note: This doesn’t change Roundcube Framework log locations.


A list of global addressbooks (GAL). Default is array(). Note: If empty autocomplete_addressbooks setting will be used.


ActiveSync to Roundcube contact fields map for GAL search. Default:

    'alias'         => 'nickname',
    'company'       => 'organization',
    'displayName'   => 'name',
    'emailAddress'  => 'email',
    'firstName'     => 'firstname',
    'lastName'      => 'surname',
    'mobilePhone'   => 'phone.mobile',
    'office'        => 'office',
    'picture'       => 'photo',
    'phone'         => 'phone',
    'title'         => 'jobtitle',


List of device types that will sync the LDAP addressbook(s) as a normal folder. For devices that do not support GAL searching, e.g. Outlook. Default is false. Example: array('windowsoutlook') # enable for Oultook only Example: true # enable for all

Note: To make the LDAP addressbook sources working we need two additional fields (‘uid’ and ‘changed’) specified in the fieldmap array of the LDAP configuration (‘ldap_public’ option). For example:


List of Roundcube plugins available for ActiveSync service. WARNING: Not all plugins used in Roundcube can be listed here. Use the default!


When a device is reqistered (connects for the first time), by default a set of folders is subscribed for syncronization, i.e. INBOX and personal folders with defined folder type: mail.drafts, mail.wastebasket, mail.sentitems, mail.outbox, event, event.default, contact, contact.default, task, task.default.

This default set can be extended by adding following values: 1 - all subscribed folders in personal namespace 2 - all folders in personal namespace 4 - all subscribed folders in other users namespace 8 - all folders in other users namespace 16 - all subscribed folders in shared namespace 32 - all folders in shared namespace


Defines a blacklist of devices (device type strings) that do not support folder hierarchies. When set to an array folder hierarchies are used on all devices not listed here. When set to null an old whitelist approach will be used where we do opposite action and enable folder hierarchies only on device types known to support it.

Note: To enable multi-folder for all devices set it to array().


Blacklist overwrites for specified object type. If set to an array it will have a precedence over activesync_multifolder_blacklist list only for that type. Note: Outlook does not support multiple folders for contacts, in that case use $config['activesync_multifolder_blacklist_contact'] = array('windowsoutlook');. Supported types: mail, event, contact, note, task.


Enables adding sender name in the From: header of an email sent via ActiveSync when a device uses email address only (e.g. iOS devices). Default is false.