Installation of Kolab 16 on Debian 9ΒΆ


This document sets you up with the version of Kolab that is maintained by the community. Customers of Kolab Systems AG join us here.

  1. Add the following two lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kolab.list:

    deb ./
    deb-src ./
  2. Import the GPG key used to sign the packages:

    # wget -q -O- | apt-key add -
  3. To ensure the Kolab packages have priority over the Debian packages, such as must be the case for PHP as well as Cyrus IMAP, please make sure the APT preferences pin the origin as a preferred source.

    Put the following in /etc/apt/preferences.d/kolab:

    Package: *
    Pin: origin
    Pin-Priority: 501
  4. Update the repository metadata:

    # apt-get update
  5. Start the installation of the base package as follows:

    # aptitude -y install kolab

Continue to Kolab Groupware Setup.